Datasets for crop, soil properties and soil greenhouse gas emissions from an intercropping experiment with broccoli and fava bean
- Marcos-Pérez, Mariano 1
Sánchez-Navarro, Virginia
Zornoza, Raúl
Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena
Editor: Zenodo
Year of publication: 2023
Type: Dataset
Datasets with all properties measured during three crop cycles of an experiment developed to assess the efficiency of intercropping between broccoli and fava bean to enhance crop productivity, soil health and carbon sequestration and storage and reduce soil greenhouse gas emissions and the use of external inputs. We compared a broccoli monocrop (<em>Brassica oleracea var. italica</em> Plenck), a fava bean monocrop (<em>Vicia faba</em> L.) and different broccoli-fava bean intercropping systems in three winter crop cycles: 2018/2019, 2019/2020 and 2020/2021. The intercropping systems were: i) mixed intercropping (alternation within the same row of broccoli and fava bean plants), row intercropping 1:1 (combination of alternate rows of broccoli - fava bean) and row intercropping 2:1 (combination of two rows of the broccoli crop and one row of fava bean).