Wheat field earthworms under divergent farming across a European climate gradient

  1. Nuutinen, Visa 1
  2. Briones, Maria J.I. 2
  3. Schrader, Stefan 3
  4. Dekemati, Igor 4
  5. Grujić, Nikola 5
  6. Hyvönen, Juha 6
  7. Ivask, Mari 7
  8. Lassen, Simon Bo 8
  9. Lloret, Eva 9
  10. Ollio, Irene 10
  11. Pérez-Rodríguez, Paula 11
  12. Simon, Barbara 12
  13. Sutri, Merit 7
  14. de Sutter, Nancy 13
  15. Brandt, Kristian K. 8
  16. Peltoniemi, Krista 1
  17. Shanskiy, Merrit 7
  18. Martínez-Martínez, Silvia 9
  19. Fernández-Calviño, David 11
  1. 1 Soil Ecosystems, Natural Resources Institute Finland (Luke)
  2. 2 Departamento de Ecología y Biología Animal, Universidade de Vigo
  3. 3 Institute of Biodiversity, Thünen Institute
  4. 4 Department of Agronomy, Institute of Crop Production Sciences, Hungarian Institute of Agriculture and Life Sciences
  5. 5 Department for Entomology and Agricultural Zoology, Institute for Phytomedicine, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Belgrade
  6. 6 Applied Statistical Methods, Natural Resources Institute Finland (Luke)
  7. 7 Institute of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, Estonian University of Life Sciences
  8. 8 Department of Plant and Environmental Sciences, University of Copenhagen
  9. 9 Sustainable Use, Management and Reclamation of Soil and Water Research Group (GARSA), Department of Agricultural Engineering, Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena
  10. 10 Sustainable Use, Management and Reclamation of Soil and Water Research Group (GARSA), Department of Agricultural Engineering, Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena,
  11. 11 Section for Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry, Department of Plant Biology and Soil Science, Universidade de Vigo
  12. 12 Department of Soil Science, Institute of Environmental Sciences, Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences
  13. 13 Plant Sciences Unit, ILVO (Flanders Research Institute for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food)

Éditeur: Zenodo

Année de publication: 2023

Type: Dataset


Earthworm community metrics data collected during the years 2019 and 2020 from organically and conventionally managed wheat fields (188 fields in total) in nine pedo-climatic zones of Europe, together with associated site information on climate, soil properties and agricultural management of the fields.