Azimuth and Elevation Scanning with Stacked Modulated Geodesic Luneburg Lenses

  1. Castillo-Tapia, Pilar 2
  2. Manholm, Lars 1
  3. Zetterstrom, Oskar 2
  4. Johansson, Martin 1
  5. Quevedo-Teruel, Oscar 2
  6. Algaba-Brazalez, Astrid 1
  7. Fonseca, Nelson J. G. 3
  1. 1 Ericsson Research Ericsson AB,Gothenburg,Sweden
  2. 2 Division of Electromagnetic Engineering KTH Royal Institute of Technology,Stockholm,Sweden
  3. 3 Antenna and Sub-Millimetre Waves Section, European Space Agency,Noordwijk,The Netherlands
2022 International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation (ISAP)

Argitalpen urtea: 2022

Mota: Biltzar ekarpena

DOI: 10.1109/ISAP53582.2022.9998747 GOOGLE SCHOLAR


Here, we propose a modulated geodesic lens antenna array in E-band (56-62GHz), which has scanning abilities in both azimuth and elevation. The array consists of four lens antenna elements, and each lens antenna produces 13 independent beams that cover 110 degrees in the H-plane with scan losses below 1dB. The array is fed with a 1:4 power divider comprising three phase shifters to scan in the E-plane. The distance between lenses in the E-plane is 0.7 wavelengths at 60GHz. The E-plane coverage is 60 degrees with scan losses around −2.2dB. The maximum realized gain varies from 20.8 to 24.1dB across the frequency band.

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