Geotécnica y Métodos de Explotación

Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha
Ciudad Real, EspañaPublications in collaboration with researchers from Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha (7)
Geoenvironmental characterization of unstable abandoned mine tailings combining geophysical and geochemical methods (Cartagena-La Union district, Spain)
Engineering Geology, Vol. 232, pp. 135-146
Parametric simulation of non-symmetric cable-stayed bridges
IABSE Conference, Vancouver 2017: Engineering the Future - Report
Structural behavior of non-symmetrical steel cable-stayed bridges
Steel and Composite Structures, Vol. 20, Núm. 2, pp. 447-468
Improving the sustainability of concrete bridge construction
Sustainable Construction Materials and Technologies
Modern construction of span by span bridges
fib Symposium TEL-AVIV 2013: Engineering a Concrete Future: Technology, Modeling and Construction, Proceedings
Optimization of in situ construction of concrete decks: Flexure tests of compact splices of reinforcement between phases
Construction and Building Materials, Vol. 41, pp. 191-203
Shear-off strength of compact reinforcement splicing for improved construction of in situ concrete structures
Construction and Building Materials, Vol. 47, pp. 199-207