Administración de Empresas
Universidad Politécnica de Valencia
Valencia, EspañaUniversidad Politécnica de Valencia-ko ikertzaileekin lankidetzan egindako argitalpenak (16)
A mcdm methodology to determine the most critical variables in the pressure drop and heat transfer in minichannels
Energies, Vol. 14, Núm. 8
Management for Professionals
Analysis of lack of agreement between MCDM methods related to the solution of a problem: Proposing a methodology for comparing methods to a reference
International Series in Operations Research and Management Science (Springer New York LLC), pp. 203-219
Design of a decision-making model reality-wise: how should it be done?
International Series in Operations Research and Management Science (Springer New York LLC), pp. 81-98
Group decision-making: Case study – Highway construction
International Series in Operations Research and Management Science (Springer New York LLC), pp. 173-188
How to shape multiple scenarios
International Series in Operations Research and Management Science (Springer New York LLC), pp. 63-71
Linear programming fundamentals
International Series in Operations Research and Management Science (Springer New York LLC), pp. 101-116
Multi-criteria decision-making, evolution and characteristics
International Series in Operations Research and Management Science (Springer New York LLC), pp. 3-13
SIMUS applied to quantify SWOT strategies
International Series in Operations Research and Management Science (Springer New York LLC), pp. 189-202
Sensitivity analysis by SIMUS: The IOSA procedure
International Series in Operations Research and Management Science (Springer New York LLC), pp. 159-172
Some complex and interesting cases solved by SIMUS
International Series in Operations Research and Management Science (Springer New York LLC), pp. 221-262
The SIMUS method
International Series in Operations Research and Management Science (Springer New York LLC), pp. 117-157
The decision-maker, A vital component of the decision-making process
International Series in Operations Research and Management Science (Springer New York LLC), pp. 73-79
The initial decision matrix (IDM) and its fundamental role in modelling a scenario
International Series in Operations Research and Management Science (Springer New York LLC), pp. 15-59
A new approach in MCDM: supporting DM decision and stakeholders strategy choice using quantitative information from sensitivity analysis
24th International Conference on Multiple Criteria Decision Making (MCDM 2017)
Does the MCDM process attempt to reflect reality or is just a simplification which produces questionable results?
24th International Conference on Multiple Criteria Decision Making (MCDM 2017)