Peñalver Alcalá
Investigador Doctor
Universidade de Aveiro
Aveiro, PortugalUniversidade de Aveiro-ko ikertzaileekin lankidetzan egindako argitalpenak (5)
Biochar and urban solid refuse ameliorate the inhospitality of acidic mine tailings and foster effective spontaneous plant colonization under semiarid climate
Journal of Environmental Management, Vol. 292
Evidence supporting the value of spontaneous vegetation for phytomanagement of soil ecosystem functions in abandoned metal(loid) mine tailings
Catena, Vol. 201
Remediación funcional de la actividad microbiana del suelo en balsas mineras abandonadas de ambientes mediterráneos semiáridos y su relación con la colonización vegetal espontánea
IX Simposio Nacional sobre Control de la Degradación y Recuperación de Suelos
The relationships between functional and physicochemical soil parameters in metal(loid) mine tailings from Mediterranean semiarid areas support the value of spontaneous vegetation colonization for phytomanagement
Ecological Engineering, Vol. 168
Soil microbial activity in relation with stages of plant colonization in mine tailings soils of a Mediterranean area
SETAC Europe 29th Annual Meeting