Guillén Ludeña
Profesor Permanente Laboral
Luis Gerardo
Castillo Elsitdié
Catedrático de Universidad
Publications by the researcher in collaboration with Luis Gerardo Castillo Elsitdié (4)
Efficacy of Sediment Flushing for varying Bed Slopes and Sediment Grain Sizes
Proceedings of the IAHR World Congress
Flushing Capacity of a Stored Volume of Water: An Experimental Study
Water (Switzerland), Vol. 14, Núm. 17
Experiments to assess the efficacy of sediment flushing in reservoirs
River Flow 2020 - Proceedings of the 10th Conference on Fluvial Hydraulics
EFISED. Estudio de la eficacia del vaciado de embalses para la evacuación de sedimentos
Seminario de la Red de Laboratorios de Hidráulica de España. RLHE