García Pinar
Profesor Titular de Universidad
Publications (47) Alberto García Pinar publications
Analysis of the storage and recovery of thermal solar energy for the production of domestic hot water using encapsulated PCM in hybrid accumulators
10th World Conference on experimental heat transfer, fluid mechanics and thermodynamics: Grecia, del 26 al 30 de agosto de 2024
Estudio de los procesos de cambio de fase de PCM encapsulado para el almacenamiento de energía solar térmica en la producción de ACS
XII Congreso Ibérico | X Congreso Iberoamericano de las Ciencias y Técnicas del Frío (CYTEF 2024): Elche, del 26 al 28 de junio de 2024
Parametric study of a scraped surface heat exchanger for latent energy storage for domestic hot water generation
Applied Thermal Engineering, Vol. 248
Study of the phase change processes of encapsulated phase change material for solar thermal energy storage in domestic hot water production
Journal of Physics: Conference Series
Mixed convection phenomena in tubes with wire coil inserts
Thermal Science and Engineering Progress, Vol. 42
Validation of a new methodological approach for the selection of wire-coil inserts in thermal equipment
Applied Thermal Engineering, Vol. 218
Accelerated testing methods to analyse long term stability of a Phase Change Material under the combined effect of shear stress and thermal cycling
Journal of Energy Storage, Vol. 56
Experimental assessment of fluid-to-fluid scaling for critical heat flux investigations in rod bundles at low mass flow
Nuclear Engineering and Design, Vol. 397
Experimental performance of a novel scraped surface heat exchanger for latent energy storage for domestic hot water generation
Renewable Energy, Vol. 193, pp. 870-878
Preliminary thermal characterisation of an active latent thermal energy storage system using PCM
Journal of Physics: Conference Series
Solar-driven melting dynamics in a shell and tube thermal energy store: An experimental analysis
Renewable Energy, Vol. 154, pp. 1044-1052
Diseño y construcción de una instalación para el ensayo de acumuladores de calor latente alimentados por energía solar térmica
Actas del Congreso IV Encuentro de ingeniería de la energía del Campus Mare Nostrum
Performance evaluation of a zero-fouling reciprocating scraped surface heat exchanger
Heat Exchanger Fouling and Cleaning VIII: Austria, del 14 al 19 de junio de 2009
Conjugate heat transfer in a solar-driven enhanced thermal energy storage system using PCM
Proceedings of the World Congress on Mechanical, Chemical, and Material Engineering
Convective heat transfer measurements in tubes with equally spaced baffles under steady and oscillatory flow
International Heat Transfer Conference
Experimental correlations on critical Reynolds numbers and friction factor in tubes with wire-coil inserts in laminar, transitional and low turbulent flow regimes
Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, Vol. 91, pp. 64-79
The role of insert devices on enhancing heat transfer in a flat-plate solar water collector
Applied Thermal Engineering, Vol. 132, pp. 479-489
Tube-side heat transfer enhancement in flat-plate liquid solar collectors with wire coil inserts
Experimental Heat Transfer, Vol. 30, Núm. 1, pp. 1-10
A coupled numerical model for tube-on-sheet flat-plate solar liquid collectors. Analysis and validation of the heat transfer mechanisms
Applied Energy, Vol. 140, pp. 275-287
Experimental study on the combined effects of inclination angle and insert devices on the performance of a flat-plate solar collector
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 71, pp. 251-263