Guillamón Frutos
Profesor Titular de Universidad
Universidad Miguel Hernández de Elche
Elche, EspañaPublikationen in Zusammenarbeit mit Forschern von Universidad Miguel Hernández de Elche (4)
Integration of methodologies for the evaluation of offer curves in energy and capacity markets through energy efficiency and demand response
Sustainability (Switzerland), Vol. 10, Núm. 2
Simplification and evaluation of demand response by the use of statistical aggregated models
CIRED - Open Access Proceedings Journal
Delevopment of a methodology for forecasting electricity-price series to improve demand response initiatives
IET Conference Publications
Development of a methodology for improving the effectiveness of customer response policies through electricity-price patterns
IEEE Power and Energy Society 2008 General Meeting: Conversion and Delivery of Electrical Energy in the 21st Century, PES