Guzmán Quirós
Profesor Asociado
Publications (23) Raúl Guzmán Quirós publications
Contribution to differential imaging using electromagnetic simulation for vehicular antenna signature analysis
XXXVI Simposio Nacional de la Unión Científica Internacional de Radio
On differential imaging using electromagnetic simulation for vehicular antenna signature analysis
Sensors, Vol. 21, Núm. 11
Anomalous leaky-mode dispersion of coupled-cavity wideband leaky-wave antennas
IET Conference Publications
A Fabry-Pérot Antenna with Two-Dimensional Electronic Beam Scanning
IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, Vol. 64, Núm. 4, pp. 1536-1541
Design of Ku-band wireless power transfer system to empower light drones
2016 IEEE Wireless Power Transfer Conference, WPTC 2016
Electronically-reconfigurable parallel-plate wave launchers based on corrugated substrate integrated leaky waveguides with tunable components
European Microwave Week 2016: "Microwaves Everywhere", EuMW 2016 - Conference Proceedings; 46th European Microwave Conference, EuMC 2016
Reduciendo el desenfoque de haz en antenas de onda de fuga escaneadas usando cavidades SIW acopladas
Anuario de Jóvenes Investigadores, Vol. 9, pp. 196-199
Reducing the beam squint in scanned leaky-wave antennas using coupled SIW cavities
2016 IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium, APSURSI 2016 - Proceedings
Reducing the beam squint in scanned leaky-wave antennas using coupled SIW cavities
XXXI Simposium Nacional de la Unión Científica Internacional de Radio
Integration of directional antennas in an RSS fingerprinting-based indoor localization system
Sensors (Switzerland), Vol. 16, Núm. 1
Advances in electronically reconfigurable LWAs in Fabry-Pérot and SIW technologies
2013 7th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation, EuCAP 2013
Aplicación de diseño holográfico para reducir el nivel de lóbulo secundario en antenas Leaky-Wave en tecnología SIW
Jornadas de introducción a la investigación de la UPCT, Núm. 6, pp. 130-132
Escaneo electrónico del haz de radiación en antenas Leaky-Wave 2D empleando superficies de alta impedancia activas
Jornadas de introducción a la investigación de la UPCT, Núm. 6, pp. 127-129
Novel and Simple Electronically Reconfigurable Fabry-Pérot Antennas
XXVIII Simposium Nacional de la Unión Científica Internacional de Radio
Nuevo tipo de circuito multiplexador en tecnología SIW usando técnicas cuasi-ópticas y ondas de fuga
XXVIII Simposium Nacional de la Unión Científica Internacional de Radio
Static and electronic shaping of the radiated electromagnetic fields in radial arrays of substrate integrated leaky-wave antennas
European Microwave Week 2013, EuMW 2013 - Conference Proceedings; EuMC 2013: 43rd European Microwave Conference
Static and electronic shaping of the radiated electromagnetic fields in radial arrays of substrate integrated leaky-wave antennas
European Microwave Week 2013, EuMW 2013 - Conference Proceedings; EuRAD 2013: 10th European Radar Conference
Efficiently illuminated broadside-directed 1D and 2D tapered Fabry-Perot leaky-wave antennas
Proceedings of 6th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation, EuCAP 2012
Electronic full-space scanning with 1-D fabry-pérot LWA using electromagnetic band-gap
IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, Vol. 11, pp. 1426-1429
Electronically steerable 1-d fabry-perot leaky-wave antenna employing a tunable high impedance surface
IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, Vol. 60, Núm. 11, pp. 5046-5055