Negral Álvarez
Profesor Titular de Universidad

Ormaechea Menéndez
Publicacións nas que colabora con Pedro Ormaechea Menéndez (7)
Evaluation of the Methane Potential and Kinetics of Supermarket Food Waste
Waste and Biomass Valorization, Vol. 12, Núm. 4, pp. 1829-1843
Impact of organic loading rate and reactor design on thermophilic anaerobic digestion of mixed supermarket waste
Waste Management, Vol. 123, pp. 52-59
Enhancement of biogas production from cattle manure pretreated and/or co-digested at pilot-plant scale. Characterization by SEM
Renewable Energy, Vol. 126, pp. 897-904
Influence of the ultrasound pretreatment on anaerobic digestion of cattle manure, food waste and crude glycerine
Environmental Technology (United Kingdom), Vol. 38, Núm. 6, pp. 682-686
Inverted phase fermentation as a pretreatment for anaerobic digestion of cattle manure and sewage sludge
Journal of Environmental Management, Vol. 203, pp. 741-744
Effect of sludge age on the digestion of the liquor obtained after endogenous enzymatic hydrolysis
4th European Conference on Sludge Management 26th-27th May 2014, Izmir (Turkey)
Effect of ultrasound pre-treatment in the anaerobic co-digestion of cattle manure with food waste and sludge
Bioresource Technology, Vol. 154, pp. 74-79