Gómez Garrido
Personal Técnico Asociada a Proyectos
Martínez Martínez
Profesora Titular de Universidad
Publications by the researcher in collaboration with Silvia Martínez Martínez (15)
Fitorremediación de aguas residuales industriales mediante humedales artificiales para uso agrícola
X Congreso Ibérico de Agroingeniería: Libro de actas
Is aided phytostabilization a suitable technique for the remediation of tailings?
European Journal of Soil Science, Vol. 70, Núm. 4, pp. 862-875
Pseudomonas fluorescens affects nutrient dynamics in plant-soil system for melon production
Chilean journal of agricultural research, Vol. 79, Núm. 2, pp. 223-233
Greenhouse gas emissions and soil organic matter dynamics in woody crop orchards with different irrigation regimes
Science of the Total Environment, Vol. 644, pp. 1429-1438
Nitrogen Dynamic and Leaching in Calcareous Soils Amended With Pig Slurry
Soil Management and Climate Change: Effects on Organic Carbon, Nitrogen Dynamics, and Greenhouse Gas Emissions (Elsevier Inc.), pp. 171-187
Bioaugmentaton in Technosols created in abandoned pyritic tailings can contribute to enhance soil C sequestration and plant colonization
Science of the Total Environment, Vol. 593-594, pp. 357-367
Development of Technosols in abandoned mine lands to reduce hazards to ecosystems and human health
19th EGU General Assembly, EGU2017: Austria, del 23 al 28 de abril de 2017
Efectos de la aplicación de riego deficitario en fincas de cultivos leñosos en la emisión de CO2
XXXI Reunión Nacional de Suelos: Madrid, , del 6 al 9 junio de 2017
Nitrogen Dynamic and Leaching in Calcareous Soils Amended With Pig Slurry
Soil Management and Climate Change: Effects on Organic Carbon, Nitrogen Dynamics, and Greenhouse Gas Emissions (Elsevier), pp. 171-187
Contamination of a dry riverbed by chromium from tannery industry in the southeast Spain
International conference on soil
Interrelationships between chromium and soil properties to evaluate the phytoextracion potential in a dry riverbed from southeast Spain
United Nations Convention to combat Desertification 2015
Caracterización del contenido de cromo, su disponibilidad y sus interacciones con las propiedades del suelo para evaluar el potencial uso de la fitoextracción
Congreso Nacional del Medio Ambiente (CONAMA 2014): Madrid, del 24 al 27 de noviembre de 2014
Chromium content, availability and interactions with soil properties to evaluate the phytoextracion potential in a dry riverbed from southeast Spain
International congress on phytoremediation of polluted soils: Vigo, 28 y 29 de julio de 2014
Nitrogen Dynamic in Soils Amended with Legislated and Extremely High Doses of Pig Slurry
Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis, Vol. 45, Núm. 18, pp. 2429-2446
Soil fertility status and nutrients provided to spring barley (Hordeum distichon L.) by pig slurry
Chilean journal of agricultural research, Vol. 74, Núm. 1, pp. 73-82