Publikationen, an denen er mitarbeitet José Ángel Zabala García (9)


  1. Financial analysis of intercropping practices. The case of mandarin orchard in the SE of Spain

    XVI European Society for Agronomy Congress

  2. Valuing diversification benefits through intercropping in Mediterranean agroecosystems: A choice experiment approach

    Ecological Economics, Vol. 171

  3. Valuing diversification benefits through intercropping in Mediterranean agroecosystems: A choice experiment approach.

    Valuing diversification benefits through intercropping in Mediterranean agroecosystems: A choice experiment approach.

  4. Valuing diversification benefits through intercropping in Mediterranean agroecosystems: A choice experiment approach.

    Valuing diversification benefits through intercropping in Mediterranean agroecosystems: A choice experiment approach.


  1. A valuation-based approach for irrigated agroecosystem services

    172nd European Association of Agricultural Economists (EAAE) Seminar

  2. Economic valuation of ecosystem services provided by crop diversification

    European Conference on Crop Diversification (ECCD2019)

  3. Perception welfare assessment of water reuse in competitive categories

    Water Science and Technology: Water Supply, Vol. 19, Núm. 5, pp. 1525-1532


  1. Welfare Perception Assessment of Reclaimed Water Reuse in Competitor Ecosystem

    Conference of Water Reuse and Salinity Management: Murcia del 11 al 15 de junio de 2018