Morugán Coronado
Investigadora Licenciada
Departamento: Ingeniería Agronómica
Research group: Gestión, Aprovechamiento y Recuperación de Suelos y Aguas
Email: alicia.morugan@upct.es
Personal web: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4145-9921
Doctor by the Universidad Miguel Hernández de Elche with the thesis Efectos de la aplicación de aguas residuales depuradas sobre suelos agrícolas 2011. Supervised by Dr. Jorge Mataix Solera, Dr. Fuensanta García Orenes.
Alicia Morugán has a degree in Environmental Sciences (2004) from the Miguel Hernández University of Elche. In 2011 she obtained her doctorate in Environmental Sciences from the Department of Agrochemistry and Environment of the same university. After the defense of her thesis, A. Morugán-Coronado was hired to be a postdoctoral researcher in several European projects, carried out at the University of Valencia, Miguel Hernández University and the Polytechnic University of Cartagena. In 2015 and 2018, Dr. Morugán-Coronado carried out two research stays at the University of New England (Australia), one of them thanks to obtaining the José Castillejo scholarship for the mobility of young doctors. As a result of his research, A. Morugán-Coronado has published 23 articles in journals with an anonymous peer review process. Of these publications, A. Morugán-Coronado is first author in 7 of them and second in another 3. 18 articles are published in journals with an impact index in the first quartile of their category (Q1). Additionally, she is the author of a book chapter and co-author of 3 other chapters. The total number of publications has received 936 citations. The research has generated more than 50 communications at conferences: 36 posters (1 awarded best poster in the soil science section), 20 talks and 1 guest speaker. A. Morugán-Coronado has participated in different projects, both public (11 European) and 7 national, as well as 3 private. Finally, A. Morugán-Coronado has been co-director of 5 final degree projects and 1 international MSc-Thesis. Her experience as a postdoctoral researcher allowed her to teach regulated teaching, she has participated in all the teaching that was given to her from the Department of Agrochemistry and Environment of the Miguel Hernández University of Elche, in the practices of the degree in Environmental Sciences (315 hours) , seminars in doctoral and master's programs at the Miguel Hernández University (12 hours). Currently, at the Polytechnic University of Cartagena, she is teaching in the Master's Degree in Agricultural Engineering, the subjects of Management and recovery of waste and effluents and Agricultural policy and management of rural areas. She also teaches the Degree in Agri-Food Engineering and Biological Systems as a collaborator in the subject of Agro-industrial Projects, with a total of 3 ECTS. He has participated in 5 teaching innovation projects, which have led to presentations at scientific dissemination conferences and events such as Pint of Science. At the same time, Dr. Morugán-Coronado has dedicated a large part of her effort to her training as a teacher, attending more than 12 years of training courses aimed at the use of ICTs, equality, collaborative work, environmental awareness, language teaching , in addition to his participation in the organization and coordination of various conferences and university scientific dissemination days.