Proyecto I+D
Project LIFE19 ENV/ES/000447 Life-Desirows
Life-Desirows: Brackish-Groundwater Desalination And Denitrification For Sustainable Irrigation: Net Zero Waste And Energy
Of European scope. It has been granted under a regime of Competitive.
In collaboration with other entities. Role: Member
The LIFE project LIFE-DESIROWS aims to test a self-sufficient energy technology that eliminates brine from water desalination processes by means of crystallisation of salts. The aim is to improve the quality of the reclaimed water for use by the agricultural sector at an affordable price, while eliminating discharges into the Mar Menor Coastal Lagoon protected area. The goal is to decrease the negative impact of the pollutants on the fauna and flora ecosystems in the area. It also aims to recycle brine salts for use as fertilisers and road de-icing. Furthermore, the project will promote the technology among the main target stakeholders and define its potential replicability and transferability. The Life-Desirows project is cofunded by the European Union, through the LIFE programme.
Former participants (6)
- Hernández Baño, Paula 20232024
- Martínez González, Cristina 20212021
- Olmos Espinar, Sonia 20232023
- Prado de Nicolás, Amanda 20222022
- Prado de Nicolás, Amanda 20222022
- Prado de Nicolás, Amanda 20212022
Publications related to the project
Show by type2024
Brine Valorisation Using Mechanical Vapor Compression Desalination: Approaches to Consider.
CONECT. International Scientific Conference of Environmental and Climate Technologies
Data-Monitoring Solution for Desalination Processes: Cooling Tower and Mechanical Vapor Compression Hybrid System
Cooling tower modeling based on machine learning approaches: Application to Zero Liquid Discharge in desalination processes
Applied Thermal Engineering
Mechanical vapor compression desalination process: approaches to optimize compressor’s consumption for brine valorization
Environmental and climate technologies
Desalination, minimal and zero liquid discharge powered by renewable energy sources: Current status and future perspectives
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews
Mechanical Vapor Compression and Renewable Energy Source Integration into Desalination Process: Life Desirows Case Example
18th Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems (SDEWES)
Desalination based on mechanical vapor compression technology: history and latest-advances.
XIII Congreso Internacional de Aedyr: Granada, del 13 al 15 de junio de 2023
Performance evaluation and feasibility study of a cooling tower model for zero liquid discharge-desalination processes
Energy Conversion and Management
Sustainable Zero Liquid Discharge for Desalination and Denitrification Processes: Desirows Life European Project
2022 IEEE International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering and 2022 IEEE Industrial and Commercial Power Systems Europe, EEEIC / I and CPS Europe 2022
Proceedings from the International Congress on Project Management and Engineering
Brine concentration with cooling tower evaporation for a zero liquid discharge system. TRNSYS modeling and experimental results
The 16th International Conference on heat transfer, fluid mechanics and thermodynamics (HEFAT) and editorial board of applied thermal engineering (ATE)
Reject brine management: Denitrification and zero liquid discharge (ZLD)—Current status, challenges and future prospects
Journal of Cleaner Production
Brackish Desalination and Denitrification for Sustainable and Renewable Irrigation: Desirows Life European Project
2021 IEEE 15th International Conference on Compatibility, Power Electronics and Power Engineering, CPE-POWERENG 2021