Proyecto I+D
Project 2020-1-ES01-KA227-ADU-096124 CREATIT
CREATIT: Creative ICT Teaching to Motivate for learning
Of European scope. It has been granted under a regime of Competitive.
In collaboration with other entities. Role: Coordinator
The main objective has been to improve students' motivation to learn through the development of creativity, the use of digital competence and a collaborative teaching and learning strategy in the classroom. Creativity has been fostered through the development of creative digital training contents, aimed at helping adult learners to improve their competences, motivate to learn and encourage lifelong learning. The training contents have been based on 5 learning themes together with their corresponding software application, such as video clip editing, apps mockup's design for movile and computer devices, video game programming, creation of comic strips on the Web and writing and development of interactive readings. The contents have not been deployed in the classroom in isolation but in a collaborative teaching-learning context. Collaborative work is a very powerful approach to learning and is recommended by most educational experts. In an educational context, it constitutes an interactive learning model, which invites learners to build together, which requires combining efforts, talents and competencies, through a series of exchanges that allow them to reach the goals established by consensus. CREATIT project is co-funded by the European Union, through the ERASMUS+ programme and the Spanish Service for the Internationalisation of Education (SEPIE).