edit_calendar Duration: from 01 September 2022 to 31 August 2025 (36 months) Current
euro 108,900.00 EUR

Of National scope. With a Public character. It has been granted under a regime of Competitive.

In collaboration with other entities. Role: Member

Renewable integration into power systems is a crucial issue in the current energy transition roadmap. Moreover, the coordination among different resources to provided hybrid services, including both supply and demand-side, emerges as a topic of interest for future power systems. Indeed, grid reliability and flexibility must be satisfied for those renewables in a more and more free emission environment. Furthermore, the European Network of Transmission System Operators for Electricity (ENTSO-E), forecasts scenarios that suppose a rise in the initial 56% renewable generation target to 70% according to the Council, Parliament and Commission Agreement of the European Union. In addition to the significant increase in variable renewable energy source (vRES) capacity, the electrical market structure is turning to a trans-European model including balancing and grid connection requirements based on modeling and real data combination. In this sense, the RES-inGrid project studies the power system operation in line with ENTSO-E and the Plan Nacional de Energía y Clima (PNIEC) roadmaps under secure and stable grid operation conditions and addresses the establishment of coordinated Virtual Power Plants (VPPs) based on renewable supply and demand-side systems. The results obtained not only will be useful for Spain, but also for the Task 25 of the International Energy Agency (IEA). Within this scenario, Spain presents a promising renewable integration percentage, where both wind

Call: Convocatoria de tramitación anticipada para el año 2021 del procedimiento de concesión de ayudas a «Proyectos de Generación de Conocimiento», en el marco del Programa Estatal para Impulsar la Investigación Científico-Técnica y su Transferencia, del Plan Estatal de Investigación Científica, Técnica y de Innovación 2021-2023. (AGENCIA ESTATAL DE INVESTIGACIÓN)


Publications related to the project

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  1. Frequency Restoration and Replacement Reserve Analysis Under Increasing Renewable Energy Source Integration: The Spanish Case Study

    Proceedings - 24th EEEIC International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering and 8th I and CPS Industrial and Commercial Power Systems Europe, EEEIC/I and CPS Europe 2024

  2. Sustainable Development at Sea: Offshore Wind Energy as an Engine of Industrial Decarbonization, optimized method of Emissions Reduction

    Proceedings from the International Congress on Project Management and Engineering

  3. The exploitation of resources created by human beings, an additional alternative for reducing emissions

    EGU General Assembly 2024

  4. Can water resource recovery facilities participate in the stabilization of the energy system?. Póster

    18th DWF Water Research Conference. Danish Water Forum, 2024.

  5. Recent developments and future challenges for large integration of renewable energy sources

    Large Scale Grid Integration of Renewable Energy Sources, 2nd Edition: Solutions and technologies

  6. Optimized Wind Power Plant Repowering and Green Hydrogen Production: Synergies Based on Renewable Hybrid Solutions

    IEEE Access

  7. Multi-factorial methodology for Wind Power Plant repowering optimization: A Spanish case study

    Energy Reports

  8. A green electrical matrix-based model for the energy transition: Maine, USA case example


  9. Evaluation of LED-based Outdoor Lighting Solution for University Campus Enhancement

    International Journal of Engineering Research in Electrical and Electronic Engineering(IJEREEE)


  1. Decentralized Wind Power Plant Contribution to Primary Frequency Control

    Proceedings - 2023 IEEE International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering and 2023 IEEE Industrial and Commercial Power Systems Europe, EEEIC / I and CPS Europe 2023


    Proceedings from the International Congress on Project Management and Engineering

  3. Assessing the energy recovery potential at district metered areas inlets of water supply systems: A Spanish case study

    Journal of Environmental Management

  4. Characterization of Vertical Wind Speed Profiles Based on Ward's Agglomerative Clustering Algorithm

    Journal of Modern Power Systems and Clean Energy

  5. GIS-based MCDM dual optimization approach for territorial-scale offshore wind power plants

    Journal of Cleaner Production