Proyecto I+D
El Garbancillo de Tallante (Astragalus nitidiflorus ) es una planta endémica de Cartagena, en la Región de Murcia (España). Descrita por primera vez a principios del siglo XX, la especie cuenta con una población de apenas 300 plantas adultas, todas ellas creciendo en el LIC Cabezos del Pericón (ES6200040) y alrededores. Es una especie citada en varias listas de conservación. Está incluida en el listado de Especies Silvestres en Régimen de Protección Especial del Ministerio de Medio Ambiente (139
Of European scope. It has been granted under a regime of Competitive.
In collaboration with other entities. Role: Member
Garbancillo de Tallante (Astragalus nitidiflorus ) is a plant that is endemic to Cartagena in the Murcia Region of Spain. First described early in the 20th Century, the species has a population of just 300 adult plants, all growing in the SCI Cabezos del Pericón (ES6200040) and surrounding area. It is a named species on several conservation lists. It is included on the Spanish Environment Ministry’s list of Wild Species Under Special Protection (139/2011, 04 February 2011) and is categorised as “in danger of extinction” in the Spanish Catalogue of Endangered Species. It was considered “in critical danger” in the 2008 Red List of Spanish vascular flora and it is even labelled as an “extinct” species under the European Red List from the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN). The principal objective of the 'CONSERVASTRAGALUS-MU' project is the recuperation and conservation of the Garbancillo de Tallante. The beneficiary aims to increase understanding of the species, strengthen existing populations and put in place plans to ensure long-term conservation of the species in the region. A key approach in terms of increasing and reinforcing the existing populations will be to develop, test and demonstrate techniques for cultivation of the plant in nurseries. As well as growing increased numbers of the plant, these efforts will seek to increase the genetic resilience of the species. Measures to reinforce existing populati
Former participants (5)
- Vicente Valero, Lourdes 20132016
- Vicente Valero, Lourdes 20132016
- Vicente Valero, Lourdes 20132016
- Vicente Valero, Lourdes 20132016
- Vicente Valero, Lourdes 20132016