Proyecto I+D
Project 101114599 STYX
STYX: EUt+ Status and structure experience
Of European scope.
In collaboration with other entities. Role: Member
The European Universities of Technology (EUt+) alliance, of which the Polytechnic University of Cartagena (UPCT) is a member, has explicitly stated its ambition to fully merge the eight member universities. This application addresses the global issue of the implementation of the legal tool, services and processes to advance on this path towards global merger. It seemed complicated to successfully implement a single global structure, as already experienced by several university systems in Europe and abroad. With regard to its institutional trajectory, EUt+ will focus its efforts on two levels in this project: - The definition of common governance bodies and processes, with an increasingly inclusive trajectory. - The creation of an EGTC to provide, in a first step, common services to partners for what is most valuable to us: our data (data, data access and data management). This is being done in a similar way to the European Union, which was built by pooling critical resources and balanced governance with progressive integration. In response to these two needs, the STYX project has two key objectives: (1) to define the documentation and decision-making processes and flows within EUt+ bodies and with partners, and to propose a trajectory for their evolution over time; (2) to create a service-focused EGTC. STYX project is co-funded by the European Union, through the ERASMUS+ programme and the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA).