Proyecto I+D
Project PCI2024-153485 PAVER
Precision AgriVoltaics for Carbon Neutrality Enhanced Production and Reduced Environmental Impact in Greenhouse
Of National scope. With a Public character. It has been granted under a regime of Direct grant.
The aim of this project is to design and develop an intelligent, robust, feasible and sustainable AIoT-Agrovoltaic platform/system capable of being deployed to any type of greenhouse, irrespective of climate and type of crop, in regions with limited access to the electrical grid and/or insufficient quantity/quality of irrigation water. To achieve this, under the project framework, we will implement software modules based on advanced artificial intelligence algorithms to jointly control and optimise: i) the performance of photovoltaic panels, ii) the monitoring of physical parameters through sensors, and the iii) operation actuators in the crop in real-time. The ultimate goal is to enhance crop efficiency and photovoltaic performance. The Overall Objective of this project is: Boost the adoption of solar agrivoltaics production in cascade hydroponic greenhouses controlled by AIoT devices to reach carbon neutrality in food production. For that purpose, we define a total of 6 Specific Objectives and 13 KPIs. Several efforts will be carried out to engage local stakeholders and early adopters thanks to the conduction of capacity-building activities and promoting new business models based on the produced energies and alternative crops. The capacity-building activities are critical to ensure the adoption of the proposed cascade hydroponic greenhouse coupled with an energy harvesting system. A clear establishment of the impact is based on the partners' expertise and the disseminat