edit_calendar Iraupena 2024(e)ko urria-(a)k 01-(e)tik 2027(e)ko iraila-(a)k 30-(e)ra izan da (36 months) Oraingoa
euro 356.875,00 EUR

Europar-arlokoak. Izaera Publikoa-arekin. Norgehiagoka-aren araubidean eman da.

Beste erakunde batzuekin lankidetzan. Eginkizun: Kide

E-SPFdigit will bring novel onsite digital tools already at TRL5 under systemic innovation, which will be further deployed, upscaled, field-tested and demonstrated to TRL7-8, in viticulture and horticulture applications in Greece and Spain in soil-contaminated areas (located near mines, offensive industries, highways, floodwaters). E-SPFdigit brings novel developed: i) MIP-based electrochemical sensors coupled with SPME for on-site monitoring and analysis of dedicated to PFAS targeted molecules, ii) Multiplex organic Surface Plasmon Resonance optical biosensors for onsite pesticides residues monitoring and analysis, iii) IDE-based electrochemical sensors for onsite detection and quantification of heavy metals & micronutrients, and iv) UVC LED -based nutrient analysers for soil water content in-situ and real time monitoring. The AI-driven onsite digital tools will be model calibrated using machine learning algorithms to improve error distribution of a predictive model, ensuring reliability. Also, E-SPFdigit brings an edge-based remote sensing framework via a robust autonomous mobile robot self-navigating and a heavy-duty unmanned aerial vehicle for in-field detection of soil parameters regarding the aforementioned chemical and biological stressors. Finally, to predict pesticide and fertiliser and other chemical contaminants impacts on crop-soil-microbiome nexus, the project will use on-field real-time digital ground sensors combined with Earth Observation data and c

Deialdi: Research and innovation and other actions to support the implementation of misión A Soil Deal for Europe (HORIZON MISS 2023 SOIL 01) (EUROPEAN COMMISSION)
