¿Las actitudes hacia el servicio deportivo varían según el grado de experiencia del consumidor?

  1. Martínez, José Antonio
  2. Martínez Caro, Laura
European Journal of Human Movement

ISSN: 0214-0071 2386-4095

Ano de publicación: 2009

Número: 22

Páxinas: 133-146

Tipo: Artigo

Outras publicacións en: European Journal of Human Movement


This research has analysed if consumer evaluations of a sports service, manifested by satisfaction and perceived quality, differ to the extent that consumer experience varies. For that purpose, we have achieved three cross-sectional studies on different samples of users of a sports centre. The results show that newer and more experienced customers adjust their expectations in the same way. In addition, perceived quality and satisfaction differs because customers admit that they can be very satisfied with a service, although the service does not reach the highest level of excellence. Moreover, both attitudes are very positive. Satisfaction and quality do not depend on experience, because newer customers do not create illusory expectations about the service. Finally, implications and limitations are discussed.

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