Simulación del Flujo en una Turbina Kaplan mediante Dinámica de Fluidos ComputacionalDesarrollo de una Herramienta para Utilización Docente

  1. José L Vicéns
  2. Blas Zamora
  3. Antonio S Kaiser
Formación Universitaria

ISSN: 0718-5006

Year of publication: 2011

Volume: 4

Issue: 6

Pages: 3-12

Type: Article

DOI: 10.4067/S0718-50062011000600002 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openOpen access editor

More publications in: Formación Universitaria


This paper presents a teaching-learning methodology for the course "Hydropower and Ocean Power" in the Master of Renewable Energy at the Polytechnic University of Cartagena (Spain). From the experience gained in two courses, a teaching approach according to the Bologna Declaration, to ensure that students acquire skills related to the ability of analyzing and designing hydraulic machines is proposed. In particular, The numerical simulation of the flow through a Kaplan turbine was chosen for study. The method includes the problem-based learning and the project-based learning approaches, as well as the concept of facilitator-tutor as a key element of the method. The commercial software Matlab is employed as a tool to translate the geometry to the meshing software Gambit; from where the mesh and the boundary conditions are translated to the Ansys-Fluent CFD code. The aim is to provide the students with relevant knowledge on hydraulic turbines through different numerical simulation projects.

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