Aportaciones del turista cultural a la sostenibilidad del destino: el caso español
Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena
ISSN: 2013-035X, 1133-6595
Year of publication: 2016
Issue: 113
Type: Article
More publications in: Revista CIDOB d'afers internacionals
Because of the particular characteristics of those who engage in cultural tourism, it is an activity that can contribute to increasing the sustainability of destinations. This article seeks to broaden knowledge in this field in the case of Spain. With this aim, models of probability are applied (probit models) to a sample of international tourists to analyse the factors that improve the chances of them being cultural tourists in Spain in a period of analysis that corresponds to 2013. The results of the research allow recommendations to be made for a tourism policy in the cultural field that has a vision of the future.
Funding information
Andrés Artal agradece también la financiación recibida para esta investigación de la Fundación Séneca de la Región de Murcia por el Grupo de Investigación de Excelencia 19884/GERM/15, así como de la Asociación FEMISE (ENPI/2014/354-494) Project FEM 41-04.Funders
Asociación FEMISE
- ENPI/2014/354-494
Fundación Séneca
- 19884/GERM/15
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