Scientific Opinion on the maintenance of the list of QPS biological agents intentionally added to food and feed (2013 update)

  1. Andreoletti, O.
  2. Lau Baggesen, D.
  3. Bolton, D.
  4. Butaye, P.
  5. Cook, P.
  6. Griffin, J.
  7. Davies, R.
  8. Fernández Escámez, P.S.
  9. Griffin, J.
  10. Hald, T.
  11. Havelaar, A.
  12. Koutsoumanis, K.
  13. Lindqvist, R.
  14. Nguyen-The, C.
  15. McLauchlin, J.
  16. Nesbakken, T.
  17. Prieto, M.
  18. Ricci, A.
  19. Ru, G.
  20. Sanaa, M.
  21. Simmons, M.
  22. Sofos, J.
  23. Threlfall, J.
EFSA Journal

ISSN: 1831-4732

Argitalpen urtea: 2013

Alea: 11

Zenbakia: 11

Mota: Artikulua

DOI: 10.2903/J.EFSA.2013.3449 GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openSarbide irekia editor