Efecto de los patrones de texturización y dopaje en fricción seca
- Fulgencio Marín García Director
- Francisco Balibrea Gallego Director
Defence university: Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena
Fecha de defensa: 08 July 2022
- Joaquín Zueco Jordán Chair
- Mariano Alarcón García Secretary
- Juan José Miralles Canals Committee member
Type: Thesis
Friction is a physical phenomenon that affects all aspects of life. It has recently been discovered that Da Vinci conducted friction studies in the late 15th century, thus giving rise to tribology, but these studies have long gone unnoticed. As early as the 17th century, the French physicist Amontons "rediscovered" friction. It has still been studied for six centuries, there is a long way to go to fully understand the physical phenomenon. The complexity of the problem lies in the different scales of the phenomenon, microscopic and macroscopic. The behavior of friction under static and dynamic conditions is also different. The physical phenomenon of friction is very sensitive to the values of the defining parameters, presenting chaotic behaviors. Different models have been developed, which, with their simplifications, are valid for certain cases, although there is currently no general law of friction. In this thesis, the network method has been used to solve several cases of dry friction, such as textured and doped surfaces, at the microscale and nanoscale and checking the effects that these have on friction. In Chapter 2 a review has been made of the different formulations of the friction phenomenon, of the surfaces involved in the phenomenon and of the approach to the problems that will be analyzed in this thesis. In Chapter 3 the calculation method used by the NGSpice program has been reviewed, the error graphs for the numerical methods used have been obtained and to conclude, the stability of the system has been analyzed by using the Lyapunov exponents. Chapter 4 is focused on the design of the different network models, as well as the initial conditions of each problem. The code has been developed with Octave to have an automated writing process, which NGSpice will later read in order to solve the circuits and obtain the numerical solution of the problem. In Chapter 5 the results of the different network models are presented with the different cases to the problems raised in Chapter 2. The results obtained have been compared with studies carried out by other researchers, with other calculation programs, in this way You have been able to verify the reliability of the networking method