Estudio de los materiales en entornos 3D con render en tiempo real para la creación en artes digitales

  1. Luis Tello, José Javier
unter der Leitung von:
  1. Gerardo Diego Robles Reinaldos Doktorvater/Doktormutter
  2. Alfonso Burgos Risco Doktorvater/Doktormutter

Universität der Verteidigung: Universidad de Murcia

Fecha de defensa: 17 von Oktober von 2023

  1. Andrés Iborra García Präsident
  2. Alfredo José Ramón Verdú Sekretär/in
  3. Blanca Montalvo Vocal

Art: Dissertation


OBJETIVES: Generate the foundations for creating a beginner's guide to developing real-time rendered 3D environments based on the study and analysis of dynamic materials from an Arts perspective, with the intention of improving and expanding the creation processes of this type of content. SECONDARY OBJECTIVES Establish a historical context through the analysis of scientific literature related to creation in real-time rendered environments, justifying a starting point from interactive environments with real-time rendering. Explore and analyze the components and parameters currently involved in the image creation process in virtual environments. Experiment with the necessary texture maps for configuring Physically Based Rendering (PBR) materials and define their characteristics in application. Analyze, organize, and interpret the results obtained based on artistic parameters after studying and experimenting with textures and materials. Conduct a practice session applying PBR materials to a 3D object with different purposes and effects to showcase their versatility and usefulness in application. METHODOLOGY: When dealing with real-time rendering environments, we are referring to rendered images where the displayed content is the work of artists, and there are various processes that need to be addressed to understand this type of projects. Different elements involved in the creation process of an image obtained from a real-time rendering environment have been collected, studied, and analyzed. We will focus on PBR materials and conduct an experimental process to study and analyze the components and parameters that define the texture maps composing these materials. The results will be approached from a technical perspective within the field of arts. This will serve as an objective basis for reproducing the results for those who approach this field. Additionally, experiments and tests will be provided to delve deeper into the aspects studied for obtaining more concrete results. A qualitative methodology will be used to conduct this study since the collected information, despite being based, in certain cases, on quantifiable data, translates into results that facilitate understanding of the subject, visualization of effects, and comparison among them. CONCLUSIONS: This work delves into and explores the digital creative possibilities within the context of technological tools applied in real-time rendering environments. This research facilitates the use and training of these tools in the field of arts and provides an artistic approach to the prevailing technical terminology in this sector. We emphasize the importance and potential of PBR materials and their application in the artistic domain. The current state of advancements in the sector has been studied, worked on, and analyzed using a technical perspective from an artistic point of view, breaking down the specific terminology that digital artists must handle in this field. The multiple components of PBR materials have been precisely presented, and their graphical and visual functioning has been studied. The obtained results have been contextualized during the experimentation, placing this work within the current context of digital arts. A detailed breakdown has been provided for easy reference regarding the use of different maps and their function in the shader for the generation of PBR materials.