Experimental comparison between a R744 heat pump and a R290 heat pump in order to produce domestic hot water in energy recovery
- Emilio Navarro Peris 1
- José Miguel Corberán Salvador 1
- José Gonzálvez Maciá 1
- Fernando Illán Gómez 2
- Victor Sena Cuevas 2
- José Ramón García Cascales 2
- Francisco Javier Sánchez Velasco 2
Universidad Politécnica de Valencia
Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena
Any de publicació: 2020
Tipus: Aportació a un congrés
Water-to-Water heat pump (WtWHP) is an efficient alternative to the current technologies used in Domestic Hot Water (DHW) production with the advantadge of having the possibility of performing energy recovery from any source of waste heat. Traditionally the most efficient solution in order to overcome the high temperature water lift present in DHW production has been done using transcritical cycles using R744 as refrigerant. Nevertheless, inthe last years a new approach consisting of controlling the subcooling in subcritical cycles in order to improve the condenser temperature match has been developed improving significantly the COP of subcritical systems for these applications. In this work, a comparison between a transcritical and a subcritical WtWHP for DHW production in energy recovery applications has been developed. In order to do that an experimental test campaign with each prototype has been developed under the same working conditions. From that analysis, a comparative analysis of the relative performance of each system depending on the working conditions has been implemented and the observed differences discussed in terms of the different thermodynamic parameters of each system. From this analysis and taking into account cost parameters, this work allows to evaluate in a quantitative way the best solution to use depending on the working conditions.