Can water resource recovery facilities participate in the stabilization of the energy system?. Póster

  1. Fernández Guillamón, Ana
  2. Luca, Vezzaro
  3. Borja, Valverde-Pérez
  4. Vigueras Rodríguez, Antonio 1
  1. 1 Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena

    Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena

    Cartagena, España


18th DWF Water Research Conference. Danish Water Forum, 2024.

Argitalpen urtea: 2024

Mota: Biltzar ekarpena


Grid frequency f is an essenƟal parameter in energy systems and must be as close as possible to its nominal value (fnom). However, over recent decades, and because of the transiƟon towards larger share of renewable energies, power systems have been gradually changing. Energy systems relying on diverse energy sources suffer from frequent deviaƟons from fnom. To compensate this, consumers can parƟcipate in the energy market by selling capacity (i.e., compromising themselves to increase power demand above their needs) or reducing demand, thereby compensaƟng for the deviaƟons caused by renewable energies during their (de‐)acƟvaƟon. In this study we assess the feasibility of using WRRFs to compensate for these deviaƟons by opƟmizing aeraƟon regimes.