Transparencia y legitimidad de la seguridad pública. Un enfoque de valor social, gestión responsable y eficacia social
- del Olmo Fernández, Ignacio 1
- Briones Peñalver, Antonio Juan 2
- Fernández Cañavate, Francisco José 2
- 1 Cuerpo Nacional de Policía, Región de Murcia (España)
- 2 Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena (España)
ISSN: 1135-6618
Argitalpen urtea: 2024
Zenbakia: 147
Mota: Artikulua
Beste argitalpen batzuk: REVESCO: revista de estudios cooperativos
The paper studies transparency and legitimacy from the scope of their contribution to Spanish Security and Police Forces. On those grounds a theoretical exposition about the meaning and relevance of the principle of transparency and good governance and its application through legitimacy, which also settles and justifies the so-called procedural justice, the cornerstone of the relationship between citizens and their police forces. To verify such this hypothesis, an empirical search is conducted, based on a survey completed via an internet link for the anonymous and voluntary answering, getting 421 answers to the questionnaire. The results were analyzed by a statistical multivariant analysis to gauge the importance rendered by citizens to those concepts and their perception accordingly of the police forces. Their actions are evaluated based on the concept of the use of police force as a public good, institutionally administered and based on public and responsibility. Citizenship satisfaction with public security is positively valued based on transparency and efficiency in policing, raising higher levels of public support when is based on legitimate behavior. Several proposals are made on the appliance of those principles, suggestion some further lines of investigation upon proceedings to increase better and sustainable outcomes in future police actions as the pilar to sustain public security.
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