Pedro Antonio
Nortes Tortosa
Investigador en el periodo 2001-2010
Publicaciones en las que colabora con Pedro Antonio Nortes Tortosa (7)
Substrate composition affects the development of water stress and subsequent recovery by inducing physiological changes in Cistus albidus plants
Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, Vol. 158, pp. 125-135
Mycorrhizal euonymus plants and reclaimed water: Biomass, water status and nutritional responses
Scientia Horticulturae, Vol. 186, pp. 61-69
Protective effects of Glomus iranicum var. tenuihypharum on soil and Viburnum tinus plants irrigated with treated wastewater under field conditions
Mycorrhiza, Vol. 25, Núm. 5, pp. 399-409
Daily photosynthesis, water relations, and ion concentrations of euonymus irrigated with treated wastewater
HortScience, Vol. 49, Núm. 10, pp. 1292-1297
Efecto protector de las micorrizas arbusculares en plantas de durillo regadas con aguas depuradas en condiciones de campo
VI Jornadas Ibéricas de Horticultura Ornamental: Las buenas prácticas agrícolas en horticultura ornamental
Above-ground and pot-in-pot production systems for Myrtus communis L.
Transactions of the ASABE, Vol. 52, Núm. 1, pp. 93-101