Departamento: Economía de la Empresa

Centro: Facultad de Ciencias de la Empresa

Area: Business Management

Research group: GESPRO Administración de Empresas


Doctor by the Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena with the thesis El aprendizaje en las organizaciones aplicación al sector agroalimentario 2002. Supervised by Dr. Josefa Ruiz Mercader.

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  1. Education (Social Sciences) Filtrar
  2. Applied Psychology (Psychology) Filtrar
  3. Accounting (Business, Management and Accounting) Filtrar
  4. Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management (Business, Management and Accounting) Filtrar
  5. Social Sciences (miscellaneous) (Social Sciences) Filtrar

Professor in the Department of Business Economy at the Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena (UPCT) (Spain). In 1996 she joined the Universidad de Murcia as an Assistant Professor, and in 1999 she was hired by the UPCT full time. In 2002 she defended her doctoral thesis: “Learning in Organizations. Application to the Agrifood Sector”. In 2003 she became a Professor at the UPCT, and in 2014, she was made Associate Professor. With more than 20 years of experience, she has taught subjects such as Business Economy, Business Organization, Knowledge Management, Managerial Skills, and Strategic Management, among others. She received the Award "Lecturer of Reference in the Framework of the European Higher Education Area" in 2015. She has 1 six-year research period and 1 six-year transfer period. Her main lines of research are: a) Corporate reputation, directing the thesis “Analysis of Corporate Reputation from the Perspective of Managers and Employees. The case of the Spanish Accounts Auditors” by Dr. Isabel Olmedo Cifuentes. This thesis received the Extraordinary Doctorate Award 2011/12 and has resulted in 5 JCR publications, 4 publications in national journals, and 1 in international journal. This research delves into the internal reputation of organizations, distinguishing between employees’ views and managers’ views of corporate reputation. These two groups of stakeholders have different perceptions and views of corporate reputation and, consequently, two reflective measurement tools of corporate reputation were developed. It has been confirmed that senior managers’ views of the reputation of their organizations are more likely to be influenced by market performance. Employees’ views of reputation are indirectly influenced by market performance (through managers). Given the important role of managers in reputation management, the management style that has the greatest influence on employees’ perception of company reputation was analyzed, confirming the participatory management style as the most appropriate. Behavioral outcomes derived from employee reputation, such as job satisfaction, retention, and perceived quality service, were also identified. b) Gender and Work-life balance studies, she has participated in research projects and published 2 JCR papers, 3 papers in prestigious national journals, and 2 monographs. This research has identified: i) the social, labor, and professional problems of women, especially in rural areas, ii) objective and subjective working conditions that improve the job satisfaction of male and female engineers, and iii) the non-existence of gender differences in the leadership styles of managers in Spanish cooperatives, demonstrating that the composition of the management teams (number of men and women in the team together with the gender of the president) determines managerial style differences. The transformational style is less often used in mixed teams with a male majority and a woman president, and most often used in homogeneous teams (made up of only men or only women). Transactional leadership is more frequently implemented in teams made up only of women than in mixed masculine teams with a female president. The level of labor segregation (horizontal and vertical) existing in Spain has also deepened. She was awarded the first prize in the Innovation and Essay Category of the Alares Awards (2018) for the Reconciliation of Work, Family and Personal Life, and Social Responsibility. c) Disability, by participating in the project “Disability and Entrepreneurship. Competency Analysis”, obtaining 4 papers that have identified the managerial skills that facilitate entrepreneurship by people with disabilities and analyzed the socioeconomic aspects that influence their entrepreneurship. d) Learning in organizations, from which she has published several papers. The most