Publicaciones (86) Publicaciones de Carlos Godínez Seoane


  1. Ionic Liquid Membrane Technology for Heavy Metal Removal from Aqueous Effluents

    Membrane Technologies for Heavy Metal Removal from Water (CRC Press), pp. 242-255

  2. Sustainable Production of Biofuels and Biochemicals via Electro-Fermentation Technology

    Molecules, Vol. 29, Núm. 4


  1. Brewery and liquid manure wastewaters as potential feedstocks for microbial fuel cells: A performance study

    Environmental Technology (United Kingdom), Vol. 36, Núm. 1, pp. 68-78

  2. New application of supported ionic liquids membranes as proton exchange membranes in microbial fuel cell for waste water treatment

    Chemical Engineering Journal, Vol. 279, pp. 115-119

  3. Recent progress and perspectives in microbial fuel cells for bioenergy generation and wastewater treatment

    Fuel Processing Technology, Vol. 138, pp. 284-297

  4. on the use of ionic liquid technology for the selective separation of organic compounds and metal ions

    Handbook of Membrane Separations: Chemical, Pharmaceutical, Food, and Biotechnological Applications, Second Edition (CRC Press), pp. 615-628


  1. Aplicación de líquidos iónicos para la recuperación de iones metálicos de efluentes acuosos

    I Congreso Internacional de Jóvenes Investigadores en el Mediterráneo

  2. Bacterial medium growth using marine water. Application to microbial fuel cells technology

    I Congreso Internacional de Jóvenes Investigadores en el Mediterráneo