Publications (26) María José Roca Hernández publications



  1. Aloe vera flowers, a byproduct with great potential and wide application, depending on maturity stage

    Foods, Vol. 9, Núm. 11

  2. Applicability of the EN 1785 Method for Detection of Paprika Irradiated with E-Beam

    European Journal of Lipid Science and Technology, Vol. 122, Núm. 11

  3. Evolución de Pleco: una herramienta para la limpieza del patrimonio metálico (PNIC2015/04)

    La Ciencia y el Arte: Ciencias experimentales y conservación del patrimonio histórico (Subdirección General de Documentación y Publicaciones), pp. 645-663

  4. Removal of diclofenac in wastewater using biosorption and advanced oxidation techniques: Comparative results

    Water (Switzerland), Vol. 12, Núm. 12


  1. Pedogenic provenance analysis

    Developments in Quaternary Science (Elsevier Ltd), pp. 223-250

  2. Taguchi design-based enhancement of heavy metals bioremoval by agroindustrial waste biomass from artichoke

    Science of the Total Environment, Vol. 653, pp. 55-63


  1. Microbeads in Commercial Facial Cleansers: Threatening the Environment

    Clean - Soil, Air, Water, Vol. 45, Núm. 7

  2. Removal of diclofenac in wastewaters using different advanced oxidation techniques (AOPs).

    18th European Meeting on Environmental Chemistry: Oporto, del 26 al 29 de noviembre de 2017

  3. Taguchi design-based enhancement of heavy metals bioremoval by agroindustrial waste biomass from artichoke.

    18th European Meeting on Environmental Chemistry: Oporto, del 26 al 29 de noviembre de 2017