Proyecto I+D
Projekt 210292-A2100-OS-HEI-Inno-Eut+ Inno-EUt+
Innovative European University of Technology
Geltungsbereich Europäisch. Es wurde auf Konkurrenzfähiger Wettbewerb-Basis gewährt.
In Zusammenarbeit mit anderen Unternehmen. Rolle: Mitglied
The consor􀆟um of HEIs presented in this proposal is a newly formed, European University of Technology (EUt+) Alliance. EUt+ is about the future of Europe, the future | of technology, the future of higher educa􀆟onand research ins􀆟tu􀆟ons. Together, we empower our complementari􀆟es within a single home ins􀆟tu􀆟on. We enable all | people and places to fulfil their poten􀆟al in campuses throughout Europe. EUt+ is the highest priority of each partner ins􀆟tu􀆟on. Our eight partners span Europe, from | Cyprus to Ireland and Latvia to Spain. Together, we target a pioneering and ambi􀆟ous fully integrated European University of Technology. Our vision and mission are | underpinned by the pivotal role that technology plays in forging an inclusive and sustainable future.
Publikationen im Zusammenhang mit dem Projekt (1)
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