edit_calendar Duration: from 01 September 2023 to 31 August 2026 (36 months) Current
euro 120,250.00 EUR

Of National scope. With a Public character. It has been granted under a regime of Competitive.

In collaboration with other entities. Role: Member

New wireless communications systems will not be limited to provide communication services to users, in addition they will be environment aware, reconfigurable, and they will include sensing applications; moreover, such systems will operate in a variety of frequency bands from microwave to millimeter and terahertz frequency domains. Thus, the goal of this proposal is to advance in the knowledge generation to pave the way for a new generation of wireless antenna systems. To tackle this significant new challenge, it is necessary a multidisciplinary approach that includes electromagnetic theory, modeling and simulation, wireless and antenna system modeling and design, radio signal and propagation channel modeling, RF systems architectures, electronic and photonic microfabrication, and integration. The radio channel characterization is crucial in the development of wireless communications systems as well as in the design of localization, sensing, and environment aware applications. The UPCT has a large experience in analyzing the radio channel in different scenarios and frequency bands. The accumulated expertise will decisively contribute to a fruitful outcome by participating in the following tasks: 1.Electromagnetic Analysis and Numerical Methods. The UPCT will develop wireless channel simulation techniques and radio wave propagation models. Specifically, parallelized implementations of ray-launching tools will be explored, ray-tracing tools using geometrical models e

Call: concesión de ayudas a «Proyectos de Generación de Conocimiento» y a actuaciones para la formación de personal investigador predoctoral asociadas a dichos proyectos, en el marco del Plan Estatal de Investigación Científica, Técnica y de Innovación 2021-2023 (AGENCIA ESTATAL DE INVESTIGACIÓN)
