Communications dans un congrès (17) Publications auxquelles un chercheur a participé


  1. A geochemical study of Zn mobility in sulfide mining soils from Cartagena-La Unión mining district

    Protection and Restoration of the Environment VIII

  2. Assessment of mining soil improvement after organic and inorganic amendment additions evaluated by microbiological analysis

    Protection and Restoration of the Environment VIII

  3. Characterization of soil and sediments from a Mediterranean mining area and its relationships with metal mobility

    IV International Conference Interfaces Against Pollution: Granada, del 4 al 7 de junio de 2006

  4. Chilling requirements of apricot varieties

    Acta Horticulturae

  5. Determinación del perfil térmico de embalses de riego mediante el empleo del modelo DYRESM

    X Congreso Internacional de Ingeniería de Proyectos: Valencia, 13-15 Septiembre 2006. Actas

  6. Effect of Plum Pox virus infection on the antioxidant capacity of leaf apoplast from apricot plants

    Acta Horticulturae

  7. Effect of day length and corm storage temperature on flowering Gladiolus tristis sbsp. concolor

    Acta Horticulturae

  8. Elección multicriterio de alternativas para la implantación de una granja escuela en el TM de Archena (Murcia)

    X Congreso Internacional de Ingeniería de Proyectos: Valencia, 13-15 Septiembre 2006. Actas

  9. Growth pattern of 'Búlida' apricot trees in Mediterranean conditions

    Acta Horticulturae

  10. Influence of soil characteristics and evaporation processes on the raising up of salt and pollutants in Mediterranean mining areas

    IV International Conference Interfaces Against Pollution: Granada, del 4 al 7 de junio de 2006

  11. Mechanical harvesting of apricots ('Búlida') in Spain

    Acta Horticulturae

  12. Metal leaching and transport through soil profiles in a mining area seasonal river

    Protection and Restoration of the Environment VIII

  13. Nutritional calcium as the regulator of the aquaporin activity in pepper plants grown under salinity

    Nutrición mineral: aspectos fisiológicos, agronómicos y ambientales

  14. Ornamental use of labiates for xeriscape in Mediterranean area

    Acta Horticulturae

  15. Root distribution in apricot orchard (Prunus armeniaca L. 'Búlida') under trickle irrigation

    Acta Horticulturae

  16. Study of pollution of the subsoil under slurry ponds

    Near Surface 2006 - 12th European Meeting of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics

  17. The use of small-spot EDXRF for the study of core sediments geochemistry

    European X-Ray Spectrometry Conference (EXRS 2006)