Reverte Maya
Catedrático de Universidad

Belaire Franch
Publications by the researcher in collaboration with Jorge Belaire Franch (4)
Residual-based block bootstrap for cointegration testing
Applied Economics Letters, Vol. 17, Núm. 10, pp. 999-1003
Spurious Rejections by Dickey-Fuller Tests in the Presence of an Endogenously Determined Break under the Null
Revista de métodos cuantitativos para la economía y la empresa, Vol. 9, pp. 3-16
Spurious rejection using recursive, rolling and sequential tests in the presence of a break under the null
XVI Reunión de ASEPUMA y IV Encuentro Internacional de Profesores Universitarios de Matemáticas para la Economía y la Empresa
Spurious rejection using recursive, rolling and sequential tests in the presence of a break under the null
XXXIII Simposio de Análisis Económico