Publications (128) Natalia Carbajosa Palmero publications


  1. Ana Blandiana, El ojo del grillo


  2. Implementation and Students’ Assessment of the LanguageTeaching Resource of the Video Lesson in the Post-COVID Era

    1ST EUt+ Conference on languages inter/ multiculturalism in a post colonial era: languages and european values (Open Access / EUt+ Academic Press), pp. 23-38

  3. The Vitality and Precision of the Poetic Word Onstage: Ezra Pound's Reflections on Lope de Vega

    Ezra Pound and the Spanish World (Clemson University Press), pp. 67-82

  4. The Vitality and Precision of the Poetic Word Onstage: Ezra Pound’s Reflections on Lope de Vega

    Ezra Pound and the Spanish world (Clemson University), pp. 67-82