Publicaciones (126) Publicaciones de Natalia Carbajosa Palmero


  1. Ana Blandiana, El ojo del grillo


  2. Implementation and Students’ Assessment of the LanguageTeaching Resource of the Video Lesson in the Post-COVID Era

    1ST EUt+ Conference on languages inter/ multiculturalism in a post colonial era: languages and european values (Open Access / EUt+ Academic Press), pp. 23-38

  3. The Vitality and Precision of the Poetic Word Onstage: Ezra Pound's Reflections on Lope de Vega

    Ezra Pound and the Spanish World (Clemson University Press), pp. 67-82


  1. Curso de gramática básica para estudiantes de alemán

    Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena

  2. Destino desconocido: poesía y traducción


  3. From "I always thought you black" to DESERT JOURNAL: Reading Ruth Weiss's Jazz Poetry

    Understanding Identity and Cultural Production in Language and Literature (Macro World Publishing), pp. 75-88

  4. Poetry without Waste: Contemporary and Antique Culture in The Waste Land

    34th European Association for American Studies Conference

  5. Reseña de La tierra baldía, de T. S. Eliot, ed. Viorica Patea, trad. Natalia Carbajosa trad.

    Epos: Revista de filología, Núm. 38, pp. 276-282

  6. Selfie americano

    Vaso Roto