Cavas Martínez
Profesor Titular de Universidad
Francisco José
Fernández Cañavate
Profesor Titular de Universidad
Publicacións nas que colabora con Francisco José Fernández Cañavate (71)
Analysis of the Accuracy of Reconstruction of a Human Cornea by Two Geometric Modelling Techniques: A Comparative Study
Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering
Augmented reality and mobile devices as tools to enhance spatial vision in graphic representations
Advances in Design Engineering: proceedings of the XXIX International Congress INGEGRAF. 20-21 June 2019, Logroño, Spain
Interactive and Lightweight Step-by-Step-Based Environment for Self-learning in Basic Graphic Expression Skills
Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering
Morphogeometric Analysis of the Cornea and its Relation to Corneal Astigmatism
Surgical Management of Astigmatism (Jaypee Brothers), pp. 53-59
Morphogeometric analysis for characterization of keratoconus considering the spatial localization and projection of apex and minimum corneal thickness point
Journal of Advanced Research, Vol. 24, pp. 261-271
Nature Inspired Redesign of the Visual Appearance of an Industrial Product
Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering
Procesado automático de imagen aplicado al conteo y caracterización de la forma de células endoteliales corneales
Revista DYNA, Vol. 95, Núm. 2, pp. 170-174
Combined urban furniture designed by a bio-inspired approach
Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering (Pleiades Publishing), pp. 564-572
Detección del queratocono temprano mediante modelado 3D personalizado y análisis de sus parámetros geométricos
Revista DYNA, Vol. 94, Núm. 2, pp. 175-181
Detection of Subclinical Keratoconus Using Biometric Parameters
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)
Dimensiones psicosociales en la incorporación a la universidad y su relación con el éxito académico en los estudios del grado en ingeniería mecánica
Proyectos de innovación docente: curso 2017/2018 (Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena), pp. 98-109
Initiation to Reverse Engineering by Using Activities Based on Photogrammetry as New Teaching Method in University Technical Studies
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)
Máquina cerradora automática para diferentes geometrías de tarros de cristal
CTC Alimentación, Núm. 69, pp. 23-28
New bottling machine for different glass jar geometries in continuous processes
Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering (Pleiades Publishing), pp. 659-669
Preface and acknowledgements
Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering
Tumor Reconstructive Surgery Assistedby Scale Models Using 3D Printing
Advances on Mechanics, Design Engineering and Manufacturing II. Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering. Springer
Tumor reconstructive surgery assisted by scale models using 3D printing
Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering (Pleiades Publishing), pp. 573-582
An agent-based approach for the application of nature’s forms to product conceptual design
PLoS ONE, Vol. 13, Núm. 12
Assessment of pattern and shape symmetry of bilateral normal corneas by scheimpflug technology
Symmetry, Vol. 10, Núm. 10
Book of extended abstracts: International Joint Conference on Mechanics, Design Engineering and Advanced Manufacturing
Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena