Evaluación del crecimiento bacteriano en un smoothie térmicamente tratado

  1. González Tejedor, Gerardo Anibal
  2. Artés Hernández, Francisco de Asís
  3. Fernández Escámez, Pablo Salvador
Proceedings of the 5th Workshop on Agri-Food Research. WIA. 16
  1. Artés Hernández, Francisco (dir. congr.)
  2. Fernández Hernández, Juan Antonio (dir. congr.)
  3. Calatrava Leyva, Javier (coord.)
  4. Alarcón Cabañero, Juan José (dir. congr.)
  5. Cos Terrer, José (dir. congr.)
  6. Aguayo Giménez, Encarnación (dir. congr.)

Publisher: Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena

ISBN: 978-84-16325-29-0

Year of publication: 2017

Pages: 29-32

Congress: Workshop on Agri-Food Research for young researchers (5. 2016. Cartagena)

Type: Conference paper


The growth of Listeria monocytogenes in a purple smoothie made of fresh fruit and vegetables during storage at 5 and 28°C has been evaluated. After smoothie elaboration, it was thermally treated during 3 min at 95 °C and subsequently inoculated. A very dynamic behavior of listeria at 28°C was found, reaching the death stage after 10 days in all concentrations assayed. There was no death nor growth of listeria at 5°C.