Quality changes of fresh and then microwaved minimally processed faba seeds

  1. E. Collado
  2. T. Venzke Klug
  3. F. Artés-Hernández
  4. E. Aguayo
  5. A. Martínez Sánchez
  6. F. Artés
  7. J. Fernández
  8. P.A. Gómez
International Conference Advances in grain legume cultivation and use: Serbia, del 27 al 28 de septiembre de 2017

Year of publication: 2017

Type: Conference paper


Faba beans (Vicia faba) are one of the most common grain legumes, rich in proteins,carbohydrates, antioxidants, fiber, vitamins and minerals. Therefore, the production ofminimally processed immature faba seeds would be an alternative to promote itsconsumption. In addition, that product can be then microwaved, if packaged in anappropriate package. In this study, the effects of sanitation with NaOCl (150 ppm, pH 6.5) oralternatively UV-C light (3 kJ m-2) during storage (10 d, 4º C) on fresh and then microwaved(700 W, 1 min) faba seeds were analyzed. Here, the evolution of sensory attributes (overallquality, taste, aroma, visual appearance, texture, browning, dehydration, and loss ofbrightness) and tannins, a group of antinutritional compounds that might adversely affectthe consumption of legumes, are presented. The microbiological quality of the fresh seedswas also evaluated. Seeds treated with UV-C maintained their sensory attributes above thelimit of acceptability after 10 days, while those treated with NaOCl were acceptable untilday 7. After 10 days reductions of 1 log CFU for mesophilic aerobes, 0.5 log CFU forpsicrophilic and 1.5 log CFU for enterobacteria were achieved for the UV-C treatmentrespect to NaOCl. Tannins decreased during storage, regardless of the type of treatment.They also decreased after microwaved, with a reduction of around 35% in relation to thefresh product at the beginning of storage. More research is needed to study the effect ofthese treatments on other quality parameters.