Paula María
Periago Bayonas
Catedrática de Universidad
Diego A.
Moreno Fernández
Publications by the researcher in collaboration with Diego A. Moreno Fernández (5)
A New Food Ingredient Rich in Bioaccessible (poly)Phenols (and Glucosinolates) Obtained from Stabilized Broccoli Stalks
Foods, Vol. 11, Núm. 12
Calidad y seguridad microbiológica del brócoli cocinado en microondas
Proceedings of the 10th Workshop on Agri-Food Research for young researchers. WIA. 21
Influence of microwave bag vs. conventional microwave cooking on phytochemicals of industrially and domestically processed broccoli
Food Research International, Vol. 140
Broccoli and radish sprouts are safe and rich in bioactive phytochemicals
Postharvest Biology and Technology, Vol. 127, pp. 60-67
Quality and microbial safety evaluation of new isotonic beverages upon thermal treatments
Food Chemistry, Vol. 194, pp. 455-462