Proyecto I+D
Project FP7 613781 EUROLEGUME
EUROLEGUME: Enhancing of legumes growing in Europe through sustainable cropping for protein supply for food and feed
Of European scope. It has been granted under a regime of Competitive.
In collaboration with other entities. Role: Member
El proyecto EUROLEGUME (Enhancing of legumes growing in Europe through sustainable cropping for protein supply for food and feed) tiene como objetivo principal de proveer a los ciudadanos europeos un alimento equilibrado y seguro, garantizando el consumo de proteínas de alta calidad en su dieta diaria, al incrementar la producción de leguminosas para alimentación humana y animal.

Former participants (4)
- Artés Calero, Francisco 20142016
- Giménez Martínez, Almudena 20202021
- Giménez Martínez, Almudena 20182020
- López Ballesteros, Pablo 20212022