Application of refrigeration for debittering table olives
- Diez Izquierdo, Beatriz
- Saura Martínez, Jorge
- Ortuño Tomás, Ana María
- Río Conesa, José Antonio del
- Ferrer Ayala, María Ángeles
- Antonio López Gómez (dir. congr.)
- José Ramón García Cascales (dir. congr.)
- Ginés Benito Martínez Hernández (dir. congr.)
- Arturo Esnoz Nicuesa (dir. congr.)
- Asunción Iguaz Gainza (dir. congr.)
- Fernando Illán Gómez (dir. congr.)
- Francisco Javier Sánchez Velasco (dir. congr.)
- José Pablo Delgado Marín (dir. congr.)
- Ramón Antonio Otón Martínez (dir. congr.)
Publisher: Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena
ISBN: 978-84-17853-55-6
Year of publication: 2022
Pages: 350-356
Type: Book chapter
During the process of making table olives, it is necessary to remove bitterness caused by phenolic compounds like oleuropein. This debittering effect is achieved by degrading these compounds into non-bitter ones that are beneficial for health due to their antioxidant properties. One of the most used methods is alkaline debittering using NaOH but the main drawback is the environmental impact generated by wastes and degradation of high-value nutraceutical compounds in olives. Different olive debittering pre-treatments followed by refrigeration storage at 5ºC during 90 days have been performed using Ocal variety olives (Olea europaea L.) by combining heat, β- glucosidase and Lactobacillus plantarum treatments. Oleuropein and hydroxytyrosol concentrations were determined in olive pulp and brine. The data has been complemented with sensory tests. The treatment with the best results was storage in refrigeration, which achieved significant debittering and greater degradation of ...