Publications dans lesquelles il/elle collabore avec Antonio López Gómez (6)


  1. Energy balances in food processing

    Engineering Principles of Unit Operations in Food Processing: Unit Operations and Processing Equipment in the Food Industry (Elsevier), pp. 135-163

  2. Psychrometry in food process engineering

    Engineering Principles of Unit Operations in Food Processing: Unit Operations and Processing Equipment in the Food Industry (Elsevier), pp. 377-400


  1. Map packaging with essential oils vapours increases the quality and shelf life of refrigerated breaded meat products

    X Congreso Ibérico y VIII Congreso Iberoamericano de Ciencias y Técnicas del Frío. CYTEF 2020


  1. Prediction of Bacillus subtilis spore survival after a combined non-isothermal-isothermal heat treatment

    European Food Research and Technology, Vol. 217, Núm. 4, pp. 319-324